Friday, September 26, 2014

What's happening in 7th grade art class?

2 point perspective
Complete sketches of 2-point perspective city corner & begin project.
Work on city corner project.
Reviewing ways to emphasize one part of a drawing.
Work on city corner project.
Work on city corner project.
Complete city corner project.
Analyze your own artwork by answering the following prompt using RACE strategy:
What part of this drawing is emphasized and how did the artist use elements of art or principles of design to emphasize that part of the drawing?

Students will complete a mini-project using charcoal to create a textured owl.
oil pastel owls - good texture lesson!
Then, we'll begin a unit on perspective. Students will learn how to draw using one and two point perspective. They'll focus on identifying the horizon line, light source, and vanishing point. They'll begin a "corner store" project using what they have learned about perspective drawing.
2 point perspective

Students will continue working on their African Masks. Masks will be completed by Friday and students will have a short writing prompt about their mask, to be turned in with their mask.
Students will complete their candy drawings by Tuesday and will participate in an art critique discussion.
Wednesday, we'll begin a new unit on African Masks. Students will begin sketching & planning designs for their mask.
They'll learn a variety of paper folding and cutting for creating their mask and they'll begin their project on Thursday.
We'll learn about the elements of art and principles of design.
Students will learn about color harmonies & techniques in drawing form. They'll create a candy drawing using color pencil depicting 5-6 close up M&Ms. They'll be expected to change the M&M colors to a harmonious color scheme & use correct form drawing techniques.
Students will have a test on Friday over the elements of art & principles of design.

Students will complete the pre-test part of their SLO exam for this class. We'll also continue working on our Picasso self-portraits.

8/4 -- 8/8
Welcome to 7th grade Visual Arts!
We'll take a look at our semester syllabus, go over basic art class rules & procedures, and discuss grading policies and requirements. We'll begin a self-portrait project inspired by Picasso on Tuesday by looking at several works by Picasso, taking note of his style and technique. Students will learn and practice oil pastel drawing techniques. They will begin preliminary sketches for thier Picasso project and begin working on their piece by the end of the week.

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